


第一版: 效率低

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
path = 'test.txt'
with open(path,encoding='utf-8',newline='') as f:
  word = []
  words_dict= {}
  for letter in
    if letter.isalnum():
    elif letter.isspace(): #空白字符 空格 \t \n
      if word:
        word = ''.join(word).lower() #转小写
        if word not in words_dict:
          words_dict[word] = 1
          words_dict[word] += 1
        word = []
if word:
  word = ''.join(word).lower() # 转小写
  if word not in words_dict:
    words_dict[word] = 1
    words_dict[word] += 1
  word = []
for k,v in words_dict.items():


we 4
are 1
busy 1
all 1
day 1
like 1
swarms 1
of 6
flies 1
without 1
souls 1
noisy 1
restless 1
unable 1
to 1
hear 1
the 7
voices 1
soul 1
as 1
time 1
goes 1
by 1
childhood 1
away 2
grew 1
up 1
years 1
a 1
lot 1
memories 1
once 1
have 2
also 1
eroded 1
bottom 1
childish 1
innocence 1
regardless 1
shackles 1
mind 1
indulge 1
in 1
world 1
buckish 1
focus 1
on 1
beneficial 1
principle 1
lost 1
themselves 1



# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
path = 'test.txt'
with open(path,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
  data =
  word_reg = re.compile(r'\w+')
  #word_reg = re.compile(r'\w+\b')
  word_list = word_reg.findall(data)
  word_list = [word.lower() for word in word_list] #转小写
  word_set = set(word_list) #避免重复查询
  # words_dict = {}
  # for word in word_set:
  #   words_dict[word] = word_list.count(word)
  # 简洁写法
  words_dict = {word: word_list.count(word) for word in word_set}
  for k,v in words_dict.items():


on 1
also 1
souls 1
focus 1
soul 1
time 1
noisy 1
grew 1
lot 1
childish 1
like 1
voices 1
indulge 1
swarms 1
buckish 1
restless 1
we 4
hear 1
childhood 1
as 1
world 1
themselves 1
are 1
bottom 1
memories 1
the 7
of 6
flies 1
without 1
have 2
day 1
busy 1
to 1
eroded 1
regardless 1
unable 1
innocence 1
up 1
a 1
in 1
mind 1
goes 1
by 1
lost 1
principle 1
once 1
away 2
years 1
beneficial 1
all 1
shackles 1


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
path = 'test.txt'
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  word_list = []
  word_reg = re.compile(r'\w+')
  for line in f:
    #line_words = word_reg.findall(line)
    line_words = line.split()
  word_set = set(word_list) # 避免重复查询
  words_dict = {word: word_list.count(word) for word in word_set}
  for k, v in words_dict.items():
    print(k, v)


childhood 1
innocence, 1
are 1
of 6
also 1
lost 1
We 1
regardless 1
noisy, 1
by, 1
on 1
themselves. 1
grew 1
lot 1
bottom 1
buckish, 1
time 1
childish 1
voices 1
once 1
restless, 1
shackles 1
world 1
eroded 1
As 1
all 1
day, 1
swarms 1
we 3
soul. 1
memories, 1
in 1
without 1
like 1
beneficial 1
up, 1
unable 1
away 1
flies 1
goes 1
a 1
have 2
away, 1
mind, 1
focus 1
principle, 1
hear 1
to 1
the 7
years 1
busy 1
souls, 1
indulge 1


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import collections
import re
path = 'test.txt'
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  word_list = []
  word_reg = re.compile(r'\w+')
  for line in f:
    line_words = line.split()
  words_dict = dict(collections.Counter(word_list)) #使用Counter统计
  for k, v in words_dict.items():
    print(k, v)


We 1
are 1
busy 1
all 1
day, 1
like 1
swarms 1
of 6
flies 1
without 1
souls, 1
noisy, 1
restless, 1
unable 1
to 1
hear 1
the 7
voices 1
soul. 1
As 1
time 1
goes 1
by, 1
childhood 1
away, 1
we 3
grew 1
up, 1
years 1
away 1
a 1
lot 1
memories, 1
once 1
have 2
also 1
eroded 1
bottom 1
childish 1
innocence, 1
regardless 1
shackles 1
mind, 1
indulge 1
in 1
world 1
buckish, 1
focus 1
on 1
beneficial 1
principle, 1
lost 1
themselves. 1


We are busy all day, like swarms of flies without souls, noisy, restless, unable to hear the voices of the soul. As time goes by, childhood away, we grew up, years away a lot of memories, once have also eroded the bottom of the childish innocence, we regardless of the shackles of mind, indulge in the world buckish, focus on the beneficial principle, we have lost themselves.









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