pymssql ntext字段调用问题解决方法



Example script - pymssql module (DB API 2.0)

Example script - _mssql module (lower level DB access)


不能用 DB-Library(如 ISQL)或 ODBC 3.7 或更早版本将 ntext 数据或仅使用

Unicode排序规则的 Unicode 数据发送到客户端。


Q: What means "Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library"?

A: If you connect to a SQL Server 2000 SP4 or SQL Server 2005, and if you make a SELECT query on a table that contains a column of type NTEXT, you may encounter the following error:
_mssql.error: SQL Server message 4004, severity 16, state 1, line 1:
Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library (such as ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or earlier.

It's the SQL Server complaining that it doesn't support pure Unicode via TDS or older versions of ODBC. There's no fix for this error. Microsoft has deprecated DB-Library a long ago, in favor of ODBC, OLE DB, or SQL Native Client. Many new features of SQL 2005 aren't accessible via DB-Library so if you need them, you have to switch away from pymssql or other tools based on TDS and DB-Library.

A workaround is to change the column type to NVARCHAR (it doesn't exhibit this behaviour), or TEXT.

大概意思是,这是因为我们的pymssql使用早期的ODBC函数集来获取数据。后来微软才引入了ntext和nvarchar类型,但Microsoft并没有更新他们的 C-library,所以就没办法支持了。建议:将ntext修改为nvarchar或text.



SELECT cast ( field_name AS TEXT ) AS field_name





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