



 // Copyright 2005, Lee Babin (
 // This code may be used and redistributed without charge
 // under the terms of the GNU General Public
 // License version 2.0 or later --
 // Subject to the retention of this copyright
 // and GPL Notice in all copies or derived works
 class cfile {
  //The path to the file we wish to work with.
  protected $thepath;
  //Error messages in the form of constants for ease of use.
  const FOUNDERROR = "Sorry, the file in question does not exist.";
  const PERMERROR = "Sorry, you do not have the proper permissions on this file";
  const OPENERROR = "Sorry, the file in question could not be opened.";
  const CLOSEERROR = "Sorry, the file could not be closed.";
  //The constructor function.
  public function __construct (){
   $num_args = func_num_args();
   if($num_args > 0){
    $args = func_get_args();
    $this->thepath = $args[0];
  //A function to open the file.
  private function openfile ($readorwrite){
    //First, ensure the file exists.
    try {
      if (file_exists ($this->thepath)){
        //Now, we need to see if we are reading or writing or both.
        $proceed = false;
        if ($readorwrite == "r"){
          if (is_readable($this->thepath)){
            $proceed = true;
        } elseif ($readorwrite == "w"){
          if (is_writable($this->thepath)){
            $proceed = true;
        } else {
          if (is_readable($this->thepath) && is_writable($this->thepath)){
            $proceed = true;
        try {
          if ($proceed){
            //We can now attempt to open the file.
            try {
              if ($filepointer = fopen ($this->thepath, $readorwrite)){
                return $filepointer;
              } else {
                throw new exception (self::OPENERROR);
                return false;
            } catch (exception $e) {
              echo $e->getmessage();
          } else {
            throw new exception (self::PERMERROR);
        } catch (exception $e) {
          echo $e->getmessage();
      } else {
        throw new exception (self::FOUNDERROR);
    } catch (exception $e) {
      echo $e->getmessage();
  //A function to close a file.
  function closefile () {
    try {
      if (!fclose ($this->thepath)){
        throw new exception (self::CLOSEERROR);
    } catch (exception $e) {
      echo $e->getmessage();
  //A function to read a file, then return the results of the read in a string.
  public function read () {
    //First, attempt to open the file.
    $filepointer = $this->openfile ("r");
    //Now, return a string with the read data.
    if ($filepointer != false){
      //Then we can read the file.
      return fgets ($filepointer);
    //Lastly, close the file.
    $this->closefile ();
  //A function to write to a file.
  public function write ($towrite) {
    //First, attempt to open the file.
    $filepointer = $this->openfile ("w");
    //Now, return a string with the read data.
    if ($filepointer != false){
      //Then we can read the file.
      return fwrite ($filepointer, $towrite);
    //Lastly, close the file.
    $this->closefile ();
  //A function to append to a file.
  public function append ($toappend) {
    //First, attempt to open the file.
    $filepointer = $this->openfile ("a");
    //Now, return a string with the read data.
    if ($filepointer != false){
      //Then we can read the file.
      return fwrite ($filepointer, $toappend);
    //Lastly, close the file.
    $this->closefile ();
  //A function to set the path to a new file.
  public function setpath ($newpath) {
    $this->thepath = $newpath;

  $myfile = new cfile ("test.txt");
  //Now, let's try reading it.
  echo $myfile->read();
  //Then let's try writing to the file.
  $myfile->write ("Hello World!");
  //Then, let's try appending.
  $myfile->append ("Hello Again!");


$filename = 'file1.txt';
$file = fopen($filename, 'r');
Header("Expires: 0");
Header("Pragma: public");
Header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
Header("Cache-Control: public");
Header("Content-Length: ". filesize($filename));
Header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);




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