python翻译软件实现代码(使用google api完成)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import httplib from urllib import urlencode import re def out(text): p = re.compile(r'","') m = p.split(text) print m[0][4:].decode('UTF-8').encode('GBK') if __name__=='__main__': while True: word=raw_input('Input the word you want to search:') text=urlencode({'text':word}) h=httplib.HTTP('') h.putrequest('GET', '/translate_a/t?client=t&hl=zh-CN&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&'+text) h.endheaders() h.getreply() f = h.getfile() lines = f.readlines() out(lines[0]) f.close() haskell版 module Main where import Network.HTTP import Text.Regex.Posix main = do putStrLn "Input the word you want to search:" word <- getLine handle <- simpleHTTP (getRequest $ "" ++ (text word)) content <- getResponseBody handle let match = (content =~ "\",\""::(String,String,String)) putStrLn $ drop 4 $ first match main text word = urlEncodeVars [("text",word)] first::(String,String,String)->String first (x,_,_) = x