

【方法一】: 通过setuptools来安装python模块


NOTE: 最好下载个setuptools,本人是15.2版本,里面包含了ez_setup

运行 python

D:\work\installation\setuptools-15.2\setuptools-15.2>python > 1.txt 
Extracting in c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpbxikxf 
Now working in c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpbxikxf\setuptools-15.2 
Installing Setuptools 
Copying setuptools-15.2-py2.7.egg to c:\python27\lib\site-packages 
setuptools 15.2 is already the active version in easy-install.pth 
Installing script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing easy_install.exe script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing easy_install-2.7.exe script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installed c:\python27\lib\site-packages\setuptools-15.2-py2.7.egg 
Processing dependencies for setuptools==15.2 
Finished processing dependencies for setuptools==15.2 

运行 easy_install py

D:\work>easy_install py      #py 为第三方库文件 
Searching for py 
Best match: py 1.4.26 
Adding py 1.4.26 to easy-install.pth file 
Using c:\python27\lib\site-packages 
Processing dependencies for py 
Finished processing dependencies for py 

【方法二】: 通过pip来安装python模块

安装 easy_install pip

D:\work>easy_install pip 
Searching for pip 
Best match: pip 6.1.1 
Processing pip-6.1.1-py2.7.egg 
pip 6.1.1 is already the active version in easy-install.pth 
Installing script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing pip.exe script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing pip2.7.exe script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Installing pip2.exe script to C:\Python27\Scripts 
Using c:\python27\lib\site-packages\pip-6.1.1-py2.7.egg 
Processing dependencies for pip 
Finished processing dependencies for pip 

运行 pip install xlrd

 pip <command> [options] 
 install           Install packages. 
 uninstall          Uninstall packages. 
 freeze           Output installed packages in requirements format. 
 list            List installed packages. 
 show            Show information about installed packages. 
 search           Search PyPI for packages. 
 wheel            Build wheels from your requirements. 
 zip             DEPRECATED. Zip individual packages. 
 unzip            DEPRECATED. Unzip individual packages. 
 help            Show help for commands. 
General Options: 
 -h, --help         Show help. 
 --isolated         Run pip in an isolated mode, ignoring 
               environment variables and user configuration. 
 -v, --verbose        Give more output. Option is additive, and can be 
               used up to 3 times. 
 -V, --version        Show version and exit. 
 -q, --quiet         Give less output. 
 --log <path>        Path to a verbose appending log. 
 --proxy <proxy>       Specify a proxy in the form 
 --retries <retries>     Maximum number of retries each connection should 
               attempt (default 5 times). 
 --timeout <sec>       Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds). 
 --exists-action <action>  Default action when a path already exists: 
               (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup. 
 --trusted-host <hostname>  Mark this host as trusted, even though it does 
               not have valid or any HTTPS. 
 --cert <path>        Path to alternate CA bundle. 
 --client-cert <path>    Path to SSL client certificate, a single file 
               containing the private key and the certificate 
               in PEM format. 
 --cache-dir <dir>      Store the cache data in <dir>. 
 --no-cache-dir       Disable the cache. 
               Don't periodically check PyPI to determine 
               whether a new version of pip is available for 
               download. Implied with --no-index. 


比如说,去 >>> pythonlibs <<< 网站,提供了很多Python非官方包下载,二进制文件,下载安装方便.




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