python将pandas datarame保存为txt文件的实例


CSV means Comma Separated Values. It is plain text (ansi).

The CSV ("Comma Separated Value") file format is often used to exchange data between disparate applications. The file format, as it is used in Microsoft Excel, has become a pseudo standard throughout the industry, even among non-Microsoft platforms.

TXT is not really a file format, and it could mean multiple things in different contexts. Generally you export tables in either CSV (comma separated values) or TSV (tab separated values). Which you should choose depends mainly on your data: if your data has commas in it but not tabs, you should go for TSV.

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import sys
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
excel_file = pd.read_excel("text.xlsx")
excel_file.to_csv('excel2txt.txt', sep='\t', index=False)


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